Partly Cloudy
Heat Index: 88°
Humidity: 75% Dew Point: 74°
Wind: N 0 mph Visibility: 12 mi
Pressure: 1007 mb
Conditions as of 7:51am
Wind: N 0 mph Visibility: 12 mi
Pressure: 1007 mb
Conditions as of 7:51am
Daytime highs approaching 81 under overcast skies.
6:05am 6:58pm
Monday Night
Lows level off around 80 under overcast skies.
6:05am 6:58pm
Overcast skies with a high of 81.
6:05am 6:58pm
Talanei Headlines
Acting Directors for Pula and Pulu Administration
The following is the list of Acting Directors for the Pula and Pulu administration released this...
Territory awarded funds for biosecurity and conservation
Four projects for American Samoa will receive funds from a grant of $2.6 million that...
Rotary helps keep Hope House cool
The Rotary Club of Pago Pago is helping keep bedridden residents of Hope House cool and...
OIA awards $1.1 million for Close Up Program
Congresswoman Uifa’atali Amata is highlighting notice of support from the Interior Department, Office of Insular...
Fired Minister accepts PM’s decision to remove him
Samoa’s Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Laauli Leuatea Schmidt has posted a video on...
Cyclone Pita doesn’t pose a threat to Am. Samoa
As of 5 this morning, Cyclone Pita, was centered around 310 miles south of Tutuila, and...
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