Mainly Cloudy
Humidity: 89% Dew Point: 75°
Wind: N 4 mph Visibility: 12 mi
Pressure: 1009 mb
Conditions as of 6:50am
Wind: N 4 mph Visibility: 12 mi
Pressure: 1009 mb
Conditions as of 6:50am
High of 81 under partly cloudy skies with a slight chance for scattered rain showers early.
6:06am 6:58pm
Wednesday Night
Cloudy skies with a slight chance for scattered showers late.
6:06am 6:58pm
A blend of clouds and sun with a slight chance for scattered showers.
6:06am 6:58pm
Talanei Headlines
Taaga Saite Moliga selected as DPS Commissioner
A former Senator, House Representative and retiree of the Department of Public Safety after 30 years...
Samoa Airways gets green light for Manu’a flights
Samoa Airways has received approval from the US Department of Transportation to continue to transport passengers...
Taito Aliitasi Afuola-Mauga is Governor’s Office COS
Governor Pulaalii Nikolao Pula has appointed Taito Ali’itasi Afuola-Mauga as the Chief of Staff...
Samoa PM steadfast in following the law
Samoa Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mataafa says she’s ready to face constitutional processes and procedures...
ASG hasn’t paid $9 million in contributions to Retirement Fund
Governor Pulaalii Nikolao Pula gave a grim picture of the financial status of the American Samoa...
National Park Superintendent Scott Burch retires
The National Park of American Samoa on Friday announced the retirement of Superintendent Scott Burch, who...
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