Mainly Clear
Heat Index: 105°
Humidity: 72% Dew Point: 79°
Wind: E 15 mph Visibility: 12 mi
Pressure: 1011 mb
Conditions as of 10:50am
Wind: E 15 mph Visibility: 12 mi
Pressure: 1011 mb
Conditions as of 10:50am
A blend of clouds and sun with a chance for scattered rain showers.
6:09am 6:59pm
Tuesday Night
Lows around 82 under partly cloudy skies.
6:09am 6:59pm
High temperatures reach up to 84 under partly cloudy skies.
6:10am 6:59pm
Talanei Headlines
Acting Director: Contractors did as they pleased, no oversight
The Acting Director of Public Works, Taeaoti Punaofo Tilei, told a hearing of the House Public...
First three director nominations submitted for confirmation
The Senate yesterday received nomination letters for three members of the Pulaalii and Pulu administration for...
Faipule says House should hear from Human Resources
Pago Pago Representative Trude Ledoux-Sunia feels that the House should give the opportunity to acting...
Amata introduces bill to extend AS Economic Development Credit
Congresswoman Uifa’atali Amata has introduced a renewal of the American Samoa Economic Development Credit—a...
PM Fiame fires 13 Associate Ministers
Samoa Prime Minister Fiame Mataafa has fired 13 associate ministers in a house cleaning move following...
Interior Secretary approves 2022 constitutional amendments
Interior Secretary Deb Haaland has formally approved American Samoa’s 2022 constitutional amendments, capping a years...
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