Partly Cloudy
Heat Index: 99°
Humidity: 71% Dew Point: 77°
Wind: E 12 mph Visibility: 12 mi
Pressure: 1011 mb
Conditions as of 8:50am
Wind: E 12 mph Visibility: 12 mi
Pressure: 1011 mb
Conditions as of 8:50am
A mix of clouds and sun develops with a high of 84.
6:17am 6:56pm
Thursday Night
Chance for scattered showers early, otherwise partly cloudy.
6:17am 6:56pm
A blend of clouds and sun with a chance for scattered rain showers.
6:17am 6:56pm
Talanei Headlines
Could Customs Division become part of Homeland Security?
The Acting Director of the Department of Homeland Security Vaotagaloa Glenn Lefiti said during his confirmation...
ASG pays $1 million in employee contributions to Retirement Fund
ASG has paid $1 million of the $9 million in unpaid contributions to the American Samoa...
Tapumanaia Galu Satele cleared to be DWYA Director
Tapumanaia Galu Satele has cleared the legislative confirmation process. On Monday the House of Representatives approved...
Concerns about Samoa & China’s visa agreement
Fofo Representative Fiu Johnny Saelua has raised concerns about the visa waiver agreement recently signed between...
US Senate confirms Sec of Interior Burgum
Congresswoman Uifa’atali Amata is welcoming the bipartisan Senate confirmation of former North Dakota Governor Doug...
Senate confirms Timothy Jones & Vaetagaloa G Lefiti
The Senate on Tuesday approved two director nominees. Senators voted 13-3 to confirm Timothy Jones...
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